Fire 14 visits Emmaus training ground for ventilation practice.
By Firefighter Edward Kronmuller Jr
June 28, 2011
On Monday, June 28, 2011, firefighters went to Emmaus Fire Department's Training Facility for roof operations training. Crews used a roof ladder, irons, Cutter's Edge chainsaw and various hooks to achieve the ventilation task at hand. Some of the members also learned what it takes to vent a roof with a flat head axe in an unconventional way utilizing the blunt portion rather than the blade. All in all the members in attendance enjoyed the learning experience and opportunity for quality training on a Monday night. Special Thanks to Lehigh County Station 7 for allowing us to use their training facility.
E-1411, Command 1443
FF/EMT Chris Fegley assists FF Jared Rampulla in venting a roof with a flathead axe.
FF Higgins vents the roof simulator with the Cutter's Edge.